Camera Club Vastavalo


QVKY—also known as moonlight photography night—is a photography competition hosted annually by Vastavalo.

QVKY 2024

QVKY 2024 will be held on October 18th!

Rules and other things

The competition is free and open to everyone. You do not have to be a member of Vastavalo in order to participate.

QVKY is a team competition. There is no limit to the team size, but please be reasonable. We’ve found three to four people works best.

Both live and remote participation is possible. Remote participation requires Telegram.

Each team should have one camera (film, digital, phone etc) of their own. All photographs should be taken with the same camera.

There are six assignments to photograph and they are given according to the schedule below:

Teams get instructions on how to return the assignments at the competition.

The technical quality of the photographs is not the focus here. The main idea is to have fun while taking photographs.

All the assignments carry a common secret theme. One way to do well is to figure out the theme and show that in your photographs.

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