Camera Club Vastavalo


Vastavalo’s darkroom can be used by members every day of the week between 9am and 9pm as long as there are no other reservations. It is worth keeping in mind that there might be other members working in the darkroom as well.

Vastavalo’s darkroom is located at the eastern end of Vanha Domus in Väinämöisenkatu 11. It is much easier to approach from Pellervonkatu, though.

The darkroom team maintains the darkroom. It consists of darkroom manager, board members and other active club members.

The darkroom handbook contains instructions on using the darkroom.

Reserving the darkroom

Vastavalo members can reserve the darkroom for their own private use according to the price list by using the booking calendar. Members can use the darkroom for free if exclusive use is not required. Contact the darkroom manager in order to gain permission to mark reservations to the booking calendar.

Always check the darkroom booking calendar before coming to the darkroom.


Non-members and other associations are also welcome to use our darkroom. If you wish to reserve the darkroom please contact the darkroom manager for further details.

Price list

Category / item à
1 h 1,00 €
13x18 (5x7”) 0,30 €
18x24 (7x9,5”) 0,70 €
A4 digital 0,70 €
24x30 (9,5x12”) 1,20 €
30x40 (12x16”) 2,20 €
A3+ digital 2,20 €
40x50 (16x20”) 4,20 €
C-41 2,00 €
BW film 1,00 €
BW printing 2,00 €
Basic 2,50 €
Premium 5,00 €
NC500 7,50 €
Deposit 1,00 €
Neg. sleeve 0,30 €

Price list is valid for Vastavalo members only.

All the purchases must be marked in the account book. Follow the instructions in the account book in order to pay the debts your have marked.